Parallel Linear Arrangement

Concept Explanation

Parallel Linear Arrangement

Seating Arrangement: The seating arrangement is the logical arrangement of either objects or people in a specified order. One has to draw a diagram to analyse the arrangement then decode the relation between the position of the object.

Parallel Linear Arrangement:  In this arrangement the objects or persons are made to stand in two rows parallel to each other. In the two rows either they are facing each other of they are facing in the same direction.The facing will decide the left and right position of each person.

Illustration: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions.

  • Six children B, D, C, M, J and K are split into two groups of three each and are made to stand in two rows in such a way that a child in one row is exactly facing a child in the other row.
  • M is not at the ends of any row and is just to the right of J, who is facing C. K is just to the left of D, who is facing M.
  • Question : - Which of the following groups represent the children standing in the same row ?

    A.  BDC            B.BMD            C. MJK           D. None of these

    Answer: D

    Solution: We will start from M as M is not and the end of any row so M is in the middle of a row

    and M is just to the right of J,

    J is facing C.

    Then K is just to the left of D, but D is facing M so we will first place D and then K.

    We will then place B in the position which is vacant

    So the diagram will be

    From the figure it is clear that J,M,B are in one row and C,D,K in the second.So option A, B, C are incorrect

    Hence the right option is D

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Ten artist are sitting in two parallel rows containing five person each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In first row Sapna, Sumit, Shushil, Sonia and Seema are seated and all of them are facing South. In second row, Sunita, Sujata, Surjeet, Suraj, and Sanjeet are seated and all of them are facing North. Therefore in the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.

    • Suraj sits third to the left of Sunita. 
    • Sapna faces immediate neighbour of Suraj.
    • Shushil sits second to the right of Sapna.
    • Only one person sits between Sunit and Sonia.
    • Sujata and Sanjeet are immediate neighbours.
    • Sanjeet does not face Sapna and Sumit.

    Which of the following is true regarding Sujata?

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 2

    Study the following information carefully and answer the questions.

    (i) Six children B,D,C,M,J and K are split into two groups of three each and are made to stand in two rows in such a way that a child in row is exactly facing a child in the other row.

    (ii) M is not at the ends of any row is to the immediate right of J, who is facing C. K is to the immediate left of D, who is facing M.

    Which of the following groups represent the children standing in the same row?

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

    Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each such that they are equidistant from each other.

    In row 1: P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing South.

    In row 2: A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the row.

    • S sits third to the right of Q, either S or Q sits at an extreme end of the line.
    • The one who faces Q sits second to the right of E. Two people sit between B and F, neither B nor F sits at extreme end of the line.
    • The immediate neighbour of B faces the person who sits third to the left of P.
    • R and T are immediate neighbours. C sits second to the left of A.
    • T does not face the immediate neighbour of D.

    Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

    (a) A-T
    (b) B-T
    (c) F-P
    (d) C-V
    (e) E-Q

    Right Option : C
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